The Strainbank
The Strainbank has offered verified cannabis genetics, gathered from an international selection of seed banks, since 2009. Their method is to identify and preserve the finest genetics and desired phenotypes and only add marijuana to their menu after flowering seeds.Their recipe for success is simple; they only work with stable, widely identifiable genetics and they strive to acquire only the most potent strains for medical patients and breeders.Their website is designed to be a professional, straightforward platform which displays all the vital information regarding their strains. For …
5 Semen
5 Semen are a seed store based in Prague and online.They sells seeds to customers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia only.…
Fair Seeds offers seeds of Spanish genetics at great prices. All Fairseeds hemp seeds are feminized . On offer are also autoflowering versions of popular varieties; Amnesia, Auto Blueberry Auto Jack H., Northern Light Auto, Auto Somango, Auto Sweet Dwarf, Black Dominator, Bubble Gum, Cannabis Sativa Finola, Cheese, Indoor mix Outdoor mix , JXD Monster, Orange Bud Diesel, White Widow.…
Semenářství je kamenná prodejna s online prodejem semen konopí a semínek tropických rostlin nebo keřů. Nabízíme rozsáhlý výběr semen od předních světových a místních značek. Poskytujeme komplexní výběr z rozličných tuzemských i exotických rostlinných druhů. Aktuálně nabízíme též sazenice chilli papriček. Nestíháte přes týden, nevěříte eshopu? Stavte se v sobotu!…
Super Strains
Super Strains are best known for creating one of the most legendary strains of our time - Amnesia. This was developed back in the 90's in the cannabis capital of Europe, Amsterdam, where the business continues to operate from today.Their innovation didn't stop there; alongside their 'old school' creations is a world class selection of cannabis genetics available as Autofem, Feminized and Regular seeds. Such strains include Enemy of the State and Next of Kin and are sold in a number of quantities, ranging from 1 seed packs to bulk packs of thousands.The name 'Super Strains' is clearly …
Sativa Sister
V roce 2001 se Sativa Sister přestěhovala z Prahy do Amsterodamu a začala pracovat pro společnost Sagarmatha Seeds, kde se začala učit a získávát zkušenosti v mezinárodním semenném průmyslu. Po mnoha letech práce v Sagarmatha, včetně vítězství v High Times Cannabis Cupu, bylo na čase jít dál. Během 9. let strávených v Amsterdamu, Sativa Sister spolupracovala s několika předními světovými semennými společnostmi (Sagamartha Seeds, DNA Genetics, Dutch Passion, Nirvana, Flying Dutchmen, Homegrown Fantaseeds). Dále spolupracovala s RooR, výrobcem nejlepších skle…
Bristol Genuine Seed Bank
For 20 years, Bristol Genuine Seed Bank have dedicated themselves to providing high quality, affordable seeds from the most select breeders across the globe. The close ties they've formed with suppliers throughout the U.K. and Europe has ensured the grade of cannabis seeds they stock are second to none.Their online cannabis seed store has been carefully designed with simplicity and functionality in mind; the website provides a genuinely clutter free, straightforward shopping experience. Picking up the biggest name seeds available such as Barney's Farm, Dinafem and Sensi Seeds has never be…
Advanced Seeds
Advanced Seeds have made a name for themselves by taking a truly organic approach to every stage of their farming process. Only natural insecticides and fertilizers are permitted to ensure a completely unadulterated end product.The integrity of their genetics is guaranteed by the strict isolation of each variety.Feminized genetics are ensured by a secret in house method that avoids genetic manipulation and potential disruption to other characteristics.Rare strains available today include Black Diesel, Haze Mist and the automatic varieties Low Girl and Heavy Bud. For detailed descriptio…
East Seeds
Zde můžete nalézt různé varianty nejlepších semínek světa za nejlepší ceny. Samozřejmě veškerý sortiment našeho zboží, konopných semen (kanabisová semínka atd.), bude doručen ve svém originálním balení! Také nabízíme mnoho dalších semínek na Vaši zahradu, terasu nebo balkón.Eastseeds nikdy nepřenechá Vaše soukromá data nikomu dalšímu. Veškerá osobní data budou smazána po doručení zásilky. Absolutně respektujeme soukromí svého zákazníka a absolutně si neponecháváme žádné záznamy . Objednávka na našich stránkách Eastseeds je velm…
Kaly Seeds